1. where to find us
8301 N 19th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85021
Sundays: 9:00am and 10:30am
Monday - Thursday: 9:00am-4:00pm (office)
(See all contact info)

2. What to Expect
“Open Door” … that’s it, the door is open. Come in. No membership, no dress code, no experience necessary. Come, find out what it means to belong while never being rushed ahead of where you are. Rest, regroup, and heal, while you discover the life God has for you. He has fullness of life on offer. We hope you end up believing how much he loves you… just as you are! Come on in! You belong!
Services are at 9:00am and 10:30am both online and in person. See you there!

Each week we do a quick video sharing new things that are happen in our Open Door community.
Watch and connect! Hope to see you soon!
3. What We Believe
Open Door Fellowship is a church that:
Through faith, is Christ-centered and Christ-dependent. Through love, places all relationships above programs, practices or philosophy. Through obedience, places the Bible above political or cultural movements. Through the Spirit, is animated to love, accept, welcome, grow and obey. Through prayer, expresses our needs, appreciation and relationship to God. Through the Word, is committed to spiritual maturity and truth. Through worship we live out what we were designed to do.
We are highly motivated:
To see God’s grace through the work of our Lord Jesus, come alive in people.
To effectively teach that all humans have needs and to find God’s biblical response of love to meet those needs.
To give space for the Spirit of God to move each of God’s children to His potential for them.
To enjoy community, we love to laugh, play and rest in the freedom we have found in Christ.
To raise healthy families. We don’t see our kids as simply the future of our community we see them as an integral part of the now!
To protect the bond of marriage! We believe marriage is a God ordained gift! We invest heavily into the growth and closeness of our marriages.
To teach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The only hope for humanity!

4. How to Connect
We love to be together! That does not always mean Sunday mornings! Go check our events page! We have a bunch happening every month and we believe there is a place for everyone to belong! Come join us!
There is a little something for everyone here─kids, teens, women, men. Community happens in relationships when you feel connected. Find out where you can get involved with people like you.
Adult Community Classes
We have several life-stage community classes to help you get connected to people that are in a similar season of life as you! These classes happen on Sunday mornings! We hope to see there! For more info click below!
Open Door Calendar
Follow us on social
Questions? Info@odfchurch.org | 602-242-4414
Connect Form
Want someone on our team to connect with you and get you plugged in?
Fill out the form below.
We can’t wait to meet you!